
Monday, January 21, 2019


You have heard of ABC fact check , Its where according to the apostles and the new pedantry we find the truth in mere facts. Pity there is too much fat , Such adventures seldom go more than skin deep  In the internet age they keep people busy and listening . Thats enough for our misleading media empires .

Why stats and facts won't improve health care for example.

Managers don't know staff or trust them and any out like the  monitoring out is easy for such characters- in a more completely respeonsible structure such lost people would drop out .With cyicsism and a ne job to do they have work to do.
 Pity it breeds cynicism and abandonment to cynicism . That wouldn't worry Insiders and Innocents
If I don't want to , you can't make me. and worse if you need statistics to prove to you that I have a problem - the problem is yours (as a leader,)
We have lost sight of how individual inspiration to care can be fostered and encouraged - the way that marked many of our forebears way of thinking and sense of freedom, hierarchy and responsibility. We have replaced it with something that can "works" in industry but never works in community- distrust, a preoccupation with dumb mechanistic efficiency ( from the market ) and force. what a mess http://govisnotbusiness.blogspot.com  


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